Wednesday 17 November 2010

Just an update

The summer is here and Queensland is getting warm. Kieran knows the way to the pool and everyday walks to the gate and yells 'Dah-Dah' while hopefully looking at us. The pool is just the right temperature so we decide to take a swim after a round of tennis. Yrjan sent us some water wings, but Kieran will not give us a smile while waring them. (Will get you those pics, I promiss!).

Monday 8 November 2010

The race that stops the nation

In your average country a statutory holiday, Christmas or other significant National events have a serious connotation. In Australia, they’ve come up with a race; a horse race to be exact.
I you’re not from Australia it’s impossible to imagine why In Victoria a horse race could be a 4 day event and the rest nation comes to a grinding hold just for a few minutes. Drinking is required and indeed mandatory before, during and after the race. It’s a heavy 3200 meter race and there aren’t many people who aren’t rolled into a betting pool, syndicate or office sweep.
This year I am betting on Tokai Trick, with a 1 to 96 ratio, not a good horse but I could walk away with 500 dollars. And of course  I lose a full 5 dollars and recommend to have the horse recommended for shish kebab.