Sunday, 16 March 2008

St Patrick’s Day

I met up with Yolanda and Luis at the Pig ‘n Whistle in the centre of Brisie. Off to the parade we go!
The parade 10:00: The Irish community in Brisie, like in any great city, is tight and they take St Patrick’s day seriously. The Parade started in sunny hot weather… St Patrick decided that the parade should take place in true Irish weather so a shower came down for 20 minutes but in the midst of parade. No worries… the dancers kept dancing and the bagpipes kept playing. I spoke with an older man who turned out to be the manager of the largest Irish Pub in Brisie offered him a Guinness and he accepted.
We went in the pub and taste a couple of KillKennies and Guinness.

By now I’m slightly plastered and the sun is out again.

Second pub 13:00. Here most people are dancing and talking. I tasted green beer, a bloke with a powerful coloring agent was nice enough to change my beer’s color, I think my tongue will be green until St Patrick next year. Met a couple of nice people nice enough to provide me with a very silly hat. (I’m wearing green balloons, an Irish Flag and a silly hat and feel a little Irish)
Walking down the corridor to the loo I found an Irish overview of Celtic Families. And sure enough… there it was: the family name of my wife. Mc Cartan. Nice! I feel more Irish by the second.

By now I’m well done. Somewhere between a little drunk and letting all brakes loose.

Third pub 15:00 Good music here. A bagpipe band marches in and plays a set of evergreens, we dance to whatever rhythm we can discover in the music; we’re drinking beer and talk to anyone. A good atmosphere here, I’ll be back here.

Yep I’m now somewhere between stomach pumped drunk and heavily sedated.

Forth pub 17:00
All brakes are gone, the people are nice and the beer still tastes great. We talk to many Irish guys and gals (some of them 4th generation) and pretty much feel a brotherly bond between us. Oh yeah they love Amsterdam. Once I say I’m from Amsterdam the reaction is: tht’s a fucking awesome place… Let me buy you a beer. I must have had 5 beers just saying I was from Amsterdam. Damn I’m cool :o)

20:00 time to go home, I don’t think I can handle a Saturday night in addition to this day. Going out to the pub now sounds like suicide to me right now. I must be getting old.

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