Friday, 14 March 2008

Be Brave and Shave

There’s something strange going on today. People seem a little more rushed, running around with cake and pie, scissors, shaving gear and razors. What’s all this about then? On the Cat to work I see people with hair painted in all colors of the rainbow? What the fuck is going on?

Here in Oz the thing today is to shave your head bold. Years ago the leukemia foundation though of a good way to collect money for their cause. You ask your friends, family and colleagues how much dough they’d be willing to cough up to see you with a bold head, collect that money and give it to the foundation.
Some colleagues here are actually willing to pay a fair amount of cheddar to see some people with no hair. Most employers will double up the amount raised so there’s another incentive right there. At my office out of 23 employees 2 will get shaved today and 2 already got shaved last week, about half of all people have done it at least once. It’s really huge down here. Literally thousands will be shaved today, not only men but women as well.
Raise awareness and money… sure… but have fun at the same time? Somehow the Aussies have come up with a way of doing this.

The less heroic option is to have your hair painted in different colors. This is regarded as the weaker option but is not frowned upon by the diehard shavers. Not everyone looks great as a shiny cue ball. I think I’ll do it next year although many here would like to see a bold Dutchy run around this year. No way guys!

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