Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Taking a piss

Here in oz, just about everyone takes a piss on just about everything. You cannot take anything seriously unless you’re positive it’s true. For example at a client’s there was a power fluctuation on Monday that made a backup generator kick in, this generator failed so the second backup generator started, this one burned out the master switchboard so the entire building was without power. Of course they blamed ProjectWise… After making a good case they explode into laughter… bastards :o)

It’s so bad here that there are advertisements on television warning parents… This is pretty amazing to me so: Picture it: little boy says: “Why was the Great Wall of chine built.” Dad thinks, smiles and answers: “The great emperor Nasi Goreng built this wall to keep the rabbits out of China. Big rabbit problem in China.”
The next shot is the kid standing in front of a class and the teacher saying: “Mark will now give a presentation about China.”
The Pay Off: “Don’t kid kids, they don’t know yet”.
My Pay Off: Never believe an Aussie: check first if he’s taking a piss and then check again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tu m'avais pas dit... Mais ca m'étonne pas et je trouve plutôt ca rigolo comme histoire. Sauf que Wall of chine is China en vrai ;p
Da Wify