Saturday, 2 February 2008

The Police

For my birthday, now due in one week, my wife gave me tickets to a concert of The Police. Imagine standing in a stadium with 20-30,000 others under the moon and stars while the temperature is juuuust right: fantastic!
Fergie (the one from the black eyed peas) kicked off with her music. Let me tell you one thing: she really out sucked a black hole, She tried (and I use this word loosely) to sing every genre of music, speed metal, reggae, opera and what else… She was prancing around like a little schoolgirl, out of breath, the sound was bad, her voice was bad and her show was positively embarrassing, but fun, people were laughing at her amateurism and dance silly dances as she did.
Fortunately the pain was short-lived and within minutes we heard a loud Rooooooooooxaaanne in an unmistakable, unequivocal and distinct voice. It was Sting and the gang and they rocked the place. They’ve still got the sound and the show. If they’re in the neighborhood, go and see them… But skip the Fergie part. That was a most excellent birthday gift.

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