Wednesday, 17 March 2010


During the second World War the Dutch army (who had resisted a full 6 days to the German invasion) came up with a full proof test to sniff out any German spies. They simply asked to correctly pronounce a few Dutch words like "Vliegtuigen op Schiphol" which to any other-Language-speaking-person is impossible to utter correctly.

Here in Australia they might be able to do the same thing, should the country be invaded, by simply asking to correctly pronounce for example the following:

Bacon and eggs-->Baked n eggs-->Backed necks
Ham and eggs-->Hamn eggs-->Emma necks
Scrambled eggs-->Scrembl eggs-->Scremblex
How much is it-->Howma chis it-->Emma chisit
Art Gallery-->Argallery-->Ark ellery
Not yet-->Natchet-->Nar chet
Did you go to (the concert)-->Dja goto-->Jeggoda (the concert)
New year's eve-->Nyear's eve-->Ear's eve
Actually-->Actjelly-->Egg jelly
Air conditioner-->Eggonditioner-->Egg nishner
Couple of minutes-->Coupla mins-->Garbler mince
It's going to rain-->Sgonna rain-->Scona rine

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