Thursday, 13 August 2009

Crap 'o-matic

So what about Kieran?

Well the soft, adorable sleeping little package that blinks, yawns and uses all it’s might to be cute is doing well. Except Kieran is hardly what was advertised when it comes to nappies. Where other parents change nappies of their offspring whispering completely retarded things, like: ‘well done’, ‘so cute’, ‘how adorable’; we are a bit reluctant to perform this unpleasant operation.

Kieran occasionally turns red and blasts yet another nappy full of baby poo. We’re talking quantity here. He looks pretty happy and quite proud when he pinches off yet another trucker sized load. If there is any correlation between the size of the baby and the size of his loafs, we’re in trouble. He has also become an expert at timing this reoccurring task: exactly 57 seconds after we’ve changed him. Yes our little crap’o-matic is doing fine and so are his parents.

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