While recuperating from a copious breakfast Emma and I see Estelle all of the sudden dance hip hop on extra-fast-forward while uttering bone-penetrating yells of fright and fury. What's this? Has she gone mad? Is this the newest dance-rage in Europe? Is Estelle perhaps faking a Epileptic attach not to be deported back to France?
No, it's much worse: while bringing the dishes back to the kitchen a snake that had been hiding next to the television had jumped on her hip and was trying to climb into her hair. A classic case of snake ambush.
After sending the offending animal flying 3 feet through the air, the snake falls on the floor, makes it to the couch and hides under it. No doubt pondering its next surprise.
Estelle regains her calm self quite rapidly for such an event and feels a bit sorry for the snake. She tells me to take it easy with the broom I've just grabbed to push the snake out to the balcony. To me, this would have been well enough to provide me with nightmares for... oh, let's say 2 or 3 years.
Turns out it was a tree snake, about a meter long, extremely lethal for people with weak hearts, but otherwise completely harmless.

Nice blog dude, good thing we only had crab ambushes in Barbados.
Every country has hasards...
How are doing mate?
Send us an e-mail will you.
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