oi, oi, oi
Aussie, aussie, aussie,
oi, oi, oi !
It's Australia day, again, and it’s a very scary thought that already a year as gone by. Only 2 more Australia days left before my visa expires. Ah well, let’s go cockroach racing, drink beer and eat hot dogs. I bought two cockroaches for the races, the first one called: “Rolls Roach” the second “Big Black Cocky”. Neither won but we got close this year. I had bought Cocky number 37, and it had won in an earlier race.
The cockroaches run for their life, women scream whenever a cockroach gets too close and we wave, sing and laugh. (Still need to get the words to the Australian Anthem as I was caught on television camera signing fake words… oops!)
People with a phobia for insects and vegetarians should turn away now and not read the next passage:
One winner grabs his winning cockroach and puts it in his mouth. What’s this, has he gone mad? Is he really, really, really hungry? Did the cockroach offend this man in any way? Nah, the guy was drunk and with Dutch courage and encouraged by camera men and cheering crowds he starts chewing slowly at first. He then opens his mouth to the television camera to show the chewed up roach before spitting the unfortunate bug on the floor.
My wife gave me a brand new barbeque and we decided to break it in on Oz day. (Vegetarians should keep looking away :o) The savory steak was perfectly cooked, the chicken legs very scrumptious and the sausages delicious.
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