Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Kiwis and Kangaroos

The Australians (Kangaroos) and Kiwis (New Zealanders) have something of a discord between them, not only shown during Rugby matches.Its the same thing as the Norwegians and Swedes have or Dutch and Belgians. One has a distinct feeling of superiority over the other and the other feels that the first are cheap, loud and egoistic. Very funny and all in good fun. For example, if an Australian does not pay a round of beers when its his shout, the Kiwis will say he's doing an Australian Haka. (Picture the Australian searching for his wallet in his backpockets, then his frontpockets, then his breast pockets in a New Zealand Haka style.

However, a very offending animation has just been released that threatens the very foundation of southern hermisphere peace.This animation depicts the very thing that Kangaroos laugh about when making fun of kiwis, its aimed mainly at the Kiwi accent. This animation almost made me wet my pants. It is very funny.Enjoy brew!

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