Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Cockroach races
Fearless hunters as they were Igor and Sven agreed to trap one illusive monster from each of their gardens and bring the goliath colossi to the bar for weighing and measuring the next day.
This is where the legend of Igor and Sven becomes a bit blurry: For unclear reasons they decided to race the cockies against each other. Outside the Story Bridge Hotel (about 3 minutes walk from our home) they drew a chalk circle, dropped the cockies in the middle and watch them race.
And thus was born one of Australia's great traditions: the cockroach races, held just outside our apartment building. The event can be ranked amongst the great sporting events on earth: world cup football, NZ kiwi kicking contest, Olympic Games and of course the world series of possum tossing.
I reckon the Kangaroo Point roaches are the biggest: I have seen gigantic claws sticking out from underneath my couch. Now all I need is rope a semi automatic stun gun and a big bag to catch it and to race it at the Story Bridge Hotel in 2 weeks time.
Friday, 9 January 2009
Bondi beach: Surf’s up
We stayed 3 days at Bondi beach, in a suite in a hotel that overlooked the beach (The captain has really done well). The beach is majestic, clear blue/green water, white clean sand aaaand… 10.000 tourists. Surfing is actually not that difficult, after 10 tries I ride my first wave all the way to the shore and after 6 hours of lessons I catch a couple of ‘green waves’ and actually manage to ride the flank. Challenge won, clue received.
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Streets of Sydney
NYE 08
Woohoo!! Okay I know how this is going to sound, especially after everything we’ve done in the past few weeks, but… Emmanuelle invited me to Sydney!!! Yaaay!
In a true Pirate, Captain-style story line she led me to my present. She had been sending me e-mails with all kinds of assignment I had to solve, the last solution was DJ236. After kicking my brain into overdrive trying to understand what was meant, the penny dropped and I yelled: it’s a plane ticket!! Yep, and sure enough, 65 minutes later we were taking off to Sydney! I had no idea what to expect and had to follow instructions found under my pillow, given to me by complete strangers or I plainly had to guess. RLRPG (Real Life Role Playing Game)
You’re not going to believe this but we spent NYE08 on a tall-ship in the Sydney harbor between the opera house and the Sydney Harbor Bridge. The only ship allowed there was ours! We danced, ate, watched the 21:00 and 24:00 Fireworks, gazed at the opera house and the thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people standing on the shores of the harbor wishing they were on our boat. You would not believe how impressive that firework is, you would not believe how well I can dance after a bottle of champagne, you should believe that this was a once in a lifetime wish that came true in the most fabulous way!