Great! Let's do that. On the boat, a pretty quick catamaran, we see Moreton Island, its beaches the woods and the blue waters.
Once out of the bay and onto the ocean it takes us about 15 minutes to find the first pod of whales. I crack a couple of jokes:
- Where are the Japanese whale hunters?
- Can we get a Whale sandwich over here?
Here they come, blimey, these are big buggers. A pod of three is joined by a pod of five and later by another pod of three. There are a couple of dolphins around, but they are not the stars of this show.
They get a bit excited and start jumping out of the water and have a good look at us.
They come in really close and... whhhssssshhhhh!!! a spray of water and whale breath right in the face. It smells like fish that has been dead for 3 weeks.
We stay around them for a couple of hours when they decide they had enough of us and take off.