Thursday, 29 May 2008


Righto, after a couple of months in Australia, time for an evaluation.

Well, nothing on earth quite compares to Australia, from lush green forests, to ultra dry deserts, to rich seas teaming with fish and dolphins. Australia is also very close to the least explored land in the World: Papua New Guinea. I'm sure I'll visit that country soon.

They have everything and more, the stores resemble American stores where the is choice o galore, however the portions seem more European. (No gallon sized bottles of ketchup, or garbage bag sized bag of chips).
One thing really sucks: they don't sell paprika flavored chips. So bring me some when you're visiting :o)

Very friendly, easygoing and real. Most people are immigrants or 2nd generation of immigrants, people who came to Australia to live a better life, not to fuck up. I have seen some racism against the original inhabitants of Australia.

You work harder here than in the Netherlands (I think most of the world works harder than in the Netherlands). Everybody can, and does, work from home. Work is very social (BBQ, Beers) and everybody flies at least a thousand times per year for work around Australia.

The city of Brisbane now boasts the highest concentration of grand children in the World. Just kidding: actually the family is quite far away, and yes it's a hell of a trip to visit the rello's.

Far more expensive than Europe. A mortgage runs at 8.7%

The biggest political things that happened in Australia in the pas few months are:
1. A politician got in trouble because he sniffed the seat of a female colleague after she had left.
2. The prime minister organized a thinking group (1000 Australians from all walks of life) to 'design the Australia of the future'. Although the results so far are a bit weak, I liked the idea.

Ridiculous salaries are being paid here in Australia (Truck drivers earn up to 140K AUD and Teachers demand 100K salaries) this combined with an AUD that's getting stronger against all major currencies and an inflation rate that's quite low makes Australia one on the wealthiest countries in the world.

Work and visa permitting, I'm staying in this country. The lifestyle is better, the beer is better and world politics and trouble do not excite us very much.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Fishing part 2

It’s fishing time! After having worked 25 hours a day in the past 2 weeks. I decided it was time to reward myself.
Last time I went fishing nothing was caught, this was revenge time! Last time a few guys chose to have a WA brekkie and after the first 4 waves hit the bow, all this beer was lost again to the sea. Hurl, barf… you get the picture. Same thing this time. Overconfident blokes stirring up each other to drink beers. This time it took 10 waves to get 5 guys so sick people in HonKong must have heard them throw up.

So we’re out behind Rottnest Island in some pretty deep water (120m) when my rod goes plink, plonk. This is a fish. Okay stay calm, be cool, let him nibble a little, a little longer… a little… Wham! Got him!

Right, this is no small guppy! 10 minutes into the fight the awkward rod make all my muscles ache. By now the 20 other fisherman are watching me struggle. I can’t show them weakness; this is a man’s sport, a noble sport, for true man, not for wimps. So I fight harder and after a grueling 20 minutes my opponent shows himself. It’s a Mulaway also called ButterFish and it’s a monster: 11.8 Kgs.

Throughout the day fishermen congratulate me on this big catch, and even the captain says it’s been a while since he’d seen such a big one.

I continue fishing and catch an Yellow eye and some Skippies.

I called Tony, a bloke whom I met at the client, and told him he could have the fish if he’d give me a ride to the Airport. Sure enough, he met me at the jetty and sure enough he was very impressed by this fish. Man that will not fit in my fridge. (Tony is a Scottish bloke with a nice access (Sean Connery style).

An albatross flies by to see me off, back to Brisbane for me.

Afraid of flying.

Those who know me a bit, know that I don’t like flying.
It’s not natural to rocket through freezing air at 850Km/h in a device made of parts fabricated by the lowest bidder. To me it has always been a bad idea.

I know the cliché is that you get killed quite a bit easier on the road. And now I believe it.
I just got of a flight and got into a cab. As most Cab’s in Australia they are driven by young immigrants or very old men.

This time I got one of these old men. He said he worked 6 days a week 12 hour shifts. And this was this last day, he had 2 more hours to go.
Now, imagine: a 76 year old geezer, seriously deprived of sleep, in a car that had: 590.000 kms (!). Now that would be regarded as less safe by some. Interestingly I felt more secure with this old fogey than in a plane… There you have it.